产品编号 | 产品名称 | 产品包装 | 产品价格 |
C2906S | AAV Purification Kit Mini for All Serotypes | 5次 | 798.00元 |
C2906M | AAV Purification Kit Mini for All Serotypes | 20次 | 2568.00元 |
碧云天生产的AAV Purification Kit Mini For All Serotypes,即全血清型腺相关病毒小量纯化试剂盒(Adeno-associated Virus Purification Kit Mini for All Serotypes),也称全血清型AAV病毒小量纯化试剂盒或全血清型AAV小量纯化试剂盒,是一种可实现快速从约30ml细胞和培养上清液中获得高活性、高纯度、高回收率腺相关病毒(Adeno-associated Virus, AAV)的试剂盒。本产品适用于各种血清型AAV的提取和纯化,操作简单易行,无须密度梯度离心,在6小时内即可实现AAV的高效纯化,并且经浓缩后AAV浓度可提高10-100倍。
腺相关病毒(Adeno-associated Virus, AAV)是Dependovirus属Parvovirus家族的微小单链DNA病毒,包含100多种血清型。其所介导的基因转移系统可整合至基因组中从而维持外源基因长期稳定表达,广泛用于基因治疗、动物体内目的基因的过表达或敲减等,是一种重要的基因操作工具。在进行外源基因稳定表达或目的基因敲减等研究时,需要使用高纯度、高滴度的AAV感染动物和细胞。常见的获得AAV的方法,包括密度梯度超速离心法和色谱纯化法等。密度梯度超速离心法通常存在回收效率低、成本高、处理时间长、操作复杂、样品损失大等缺点,而色谱纯化法则需要大量的血清型特异性优化,成本较高,极大限制了高活性、高纯度AAV的制备[1]。本试剂盒对于AAV的提取、纯化和浓缩步骤进行了多方面优化,避免了反复冻融和超声破碎等繁琐耗时的操作,也无需进行密度梯度超速离心,极大简化了AAV的提取与纯化步骤,在节约时间的同时也可极大保留AAV的生物学活性[2, 3]。
本产品纯化的AAV纯度高。使用碧云天生产的AAV Purification Kit Mini For All Serotypes (C2906)纯化的AAV9-CRE-GFP的SDS-PAGE电泳效果请参考图1。
图1.使用碧云天生产的AAV Purification Kit Mini For All Serotypes (C2906)纯化的AAV9-CRE-GFP的SDS-PAGE电泳效果图。使用Lipo8000™转染试剂(C0533)包装4个150mm细胞培养皿的AAV9-CRE-GFP,转染前更换为无血清培养基,转染后继续培养3天。收集其中2个培养皿的细胞沉淀,用1ml DMEM将细胞重悬,于液氮中冷冻,再于37ºC融化,反复操作4次,14,000×g离心10分钟后取上清,最终得到约1ml病毒液(Before);另外2个培养皿的细胞使用本试剂盒进行AAV9-CRE-GFP的纯化(详细步骤参考使用说明),最终得到约120μl病毒液(After)。随后各取12μl病毒液加入3μl SDS-PAGE蛋白上样缓冲液(5X) (P0015),吹打混合均匀,100ºC加热煮沸10分钟,进行SDS-PAGE电泳和考马斯亮蓝染色(P0017F BeyoBlue™考马斯亮蓝超快染色液),并拍照观察结果。如图所示,使用本试剂盒纯化的AAV病毒,能够清晰观察到以AAV衣壳蛋白(VP1、VP2、VP3)为主的电泳条带,并显示出极高的病毒纯度。实际效果会因样品种类、检测条件等不同而存在差异,本图仅供参考。
本试剂盒纯化的AAV具有高效的生物活性和感染效果。使用碧云天生产的AAV Purification Kit Mini For All Serotypes (C2906)纯化的AAV9-CRE-GFP感染Loxp-STOP-loxp-mCherry HeLa Cells (C7998)的效果请参考图2。
图2.使用碧云天生产的AAV Purification Kit Mini for All Serotypes (C2906)纯化的AAV9-CRE-GFP感染Loxp-STOP-loxP-mCherry HeLa细胞(C7998)的效果图。96孔板每孔接种10,000个Loxp-STOP-loxP-mCherry HeLa细胞,培养过夜后,使用本试剂盒纯化获得的AAV9-CRE-GFP按照50,000 vp/cell进行感染,感染72小时后在荧光显微镜下观察相同位置视野效果图。结果如图所示,AAV9-CRE-GFP感染细胞后因表达GFP而呈现绿色荧光;Cre重组酶的表达导致Loxp-STOP-loxP-mCherry HeLa细胞中原本被阻断的mCherry被激活表达,从而使细胞呈现红色荧光,说明使用本试剂盒纯化获得的AAV9-CRE-GFP具有良好的生物活性和感染效果。实际检测效果会因检测仪器、实验条件等不同而存在差异,本图仅供参考。
如果需要制备更大量的AAV,推荐选购碧云天的AAV Purification Kit Midi for All Serotypes (C2908)。
本试剂盒的小包装和中包装分别可以用于5次或20次30ml AAV的纯化,相当于每次可以用于约1个175cm2细胞培养瓶或1个150mm细胞培养皿包装的AAV病毒的纯化。通常每次30ml AAV的纯化可以获得约1011-1012vp的AAV。
包装清单:产品编号 | 产品名称 | 包装 |
C2906S-1 | 提取液 | 50ml |
C2906S-2 | 沉淀试剂 | 60ml |
C2906S-3 | 重悬液 | 10ml |
C2906S-4 | Nuclease | 150μl |
C2906S-5 | 纯化液A | 5ml |
C2906S-6 | 纯化液B | 5ml |
C2906S-7 | AAV储存液 | 15ml |
C2906S-8 | 超滤管(0.5ml, 100kDa MWCO) | 5个 |
— | 说明书 | 1份 |
产品编号 | 产品名称 | 包装 |
C2906M-1 | 提取液 | 200ml |
C2906M-2 | 沉淀试剂 | 240ml |
C2906M-3 | 重悬液 | 40ml |
C2906M-4 | Nuclease | 600μl |
C2906M-5 | 纯化液A | 20ml |
C2906M-6 | 纯化液B | 20ml |
C2906M-7 | AAV储存液 | 60ml |
C2906M-8 | 超滤管(0.5ml, 100kDa MWCO) | 20个 |
— | 说明书 | 1份 |
本产品使用前请仔细阅读附录《腺相关病毒使用安全规范》。本产品使用过程中涉及AAV,其生物安全等级为Biosafety Level 1 (BSL-1),没有确凿证据显示会导致健康成人产生疾病(Not known to consistently cause diseases in healthy adults),可以按照常规的微生物实验操作要求进行操作(Standard microbiological practices)。
AAV Serotype | Tissue Tropism | |||||||
Liver | Muscle | Brain | Retina | Lung | Heart | Pancreas | Kidney | |
AAV1 | √ | Neuron & glia | √ | √ | √ | |||
AAV2 | √ | √ | √ | |||||
AAV3 | √ | √ | √ | |||||
AAV4 | √ | √ | ||||||
AAV5 | Neuron & glia | √ | alveolar cells | |||||
AAV6 | √ | √ | √ | |||||
AAV7 | √ | Neuron | √ | |||||
AAV8 | √ | √ | Neuron | √ | √ | |||
AAV9 | √ | √ | Neuron | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
Cell line | AAV1 | AAV2 | AAV3 | AAV4 | AAV5 | AAV6 | AAV8 | AAV9 |
Huh-7 | 13 | 100 | 2.5 | 0 | 0.1 | 10 | 0.7 | 0 |
HEK293 | 25 | 100 | 2.5 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 5 | 0.7 | 0.1 |
Hela | 3 | 100 | 2 | 0.1 | 6.7 | 1 | 0.2 | 0.1 |
HepG2 | 3 | 100 | 16.7 | 0.3 | 1.7 | 5 | 0.3 | ND |
Hep1A | 20 | 100 | 0.2 | 1 | 0.1 | 1 | 0.2 | 0 |
911 | 17 | 100 | 11 | 0.2 | 0.1 | 17 | 0.1 | ND |
CHO | 100 | 100 | 14 | 1.4 | 333 | 50 | 10 | 1 |
COS | 33 | 100 | 33 | 3.3 | 5 | 14 | 2 | 0.5 |
MeWo | 10 | 100 | 20 | 0.3 | 6.7 | 10 | 1 | 0.2 |
NIH3T3 | 10 | 100 | 2.9 | 2.9 | 0.3 | 10 | 0.3 | ND |
A549 | 14 | 100 | 20 | ND | 0.5 | 10 | 0.5 | 0.1 |
HT1180 | 20 | 100 | 10 | 0.1 | 0.3 | 33 | 0.5 | 0.1 |
Monocytes | 1111 | 100 | ND | ND | 125 | 1429 | ND | ND |
Immature DC | 2500 | 100 | ND | ND | 222 | 2857 | ND | ND |
Mature DC | 2222 | 100 | ND | ND | 333 | 3333 | ND | ND |
BSL | Agents | Practices | Primary Barriers and Safety Equipment | Facilities(Secondary Barriers) |
1 | Not known to consistently cause diseases in healthy adults | Standard microbiological practices | ■ No primary barriers required. ■ PPE: laboratory coats and gloves; eye, face protection, as needed |
Laboratory bench and sink required |
2 | ■ Agents associated with human disease ■ Routes of transmission include percutaneous injury, ingestion, mucous membrane exposure |
BSL-1 practice plus: ■ Limited access ■ Biohazard warning signs ■ “Sharps” precautions ■ Biosafety manual defining any needed waste decontamination or medical surveillance policies |
Primary barriers: ■ BSCs or other physical containment devices used for all manipulations of agents that cause splashes or aerosols of infectious materials ■ PPE: Laboratory coats, gloves, face and eye protection, as needed |
BSL-1 plus: ■ Autoclave available |
3 | Indigenous or exotic agents that may cause serious or potentially lethal disease through the inhalation route of exposure | BSL-2 practice plus: ■ Controlled access ■ Decontamination of all waste ■ Decontamination of laboratory clothing before laundering |
Primary barriers: ■ BSCs or other physical containment devices used for all open manipulations of agents ■ PPE: Protective laboratory clothing, gloves, face, eye and respiratory protection, as needed |
BSL-2 plus: ■ Physical separation from access corridors ■ Self-closing, double-door access ■ Exhausted air not recirculated ■ Negative airflow into laboratory ■ Entry through airlock or anteroom ■ Hand washing sink near laboratory exit |
4 | ■ Dangerous/exotic agents which post high individual risk of aerosol-transmitted laboratory infections that are frequently fatal, for which there are no vaccines or treatments ■ Agents with a close or identical antigenic relationship to an agent requiring BSL-4 until data are available to redesignate the level ■ Related agents with unknown risk of transmission |
BSL-3 practices plus: ■ Clothing change before entering ■ Shower on exit ■ All material decontaminated on exit from facility |
Primary barriers: ■ All procedures conducted in Class III BSCs or Class I or II BSCs in combination with full-body, air-supplied, positive pressure suit |
BSL-3 plus: ■ Separate building or isolated zone ■ Dedicated supply and exhaust, vacuum, and decontamination systems ■ Other requirements outlined in the text |
产品编号 | 产品名称 | 包装 |
C2901 | 通用型病毒浓缩试剂盒 | 150ml/600ml/3L |
C2906 | AAV Purification Kit Mini for All Serotypes | 5次/20次 |
C2908 | AAV Purification Kit Midi for All Serotypes | 5次/20次 |
C3013 | AAV-mCherry-GFP-LC3B (AAV9, 10^13vp/ml) | 250μl |
C4107 | AAV-CAG-GFP (AAV9, 10^13vp/ml) | 250μl |
C4108 | AAV-CAG-Cre-GFP (AAV9, 10^13vp/ml) | 250μl |
FCD150 | BeyoGold™ 150mm细胞培养皿 | 5个/袋,12袋/箱 |
FFLK176 | BeyoGold™ 175cm2透气盖细胞培养瓶 | 5个/包,40个/箱 |
FSCP023 | BeyoGold™ 23cm细胞刮(独立纸塑包装, 无菌) | 100个/盒 |
FSCP029 | BeyoGold™ 29cm细胞刮(独立纸塑包装, 无菌) | 100个/盒 |
C3013 | AAV-mCherry-GFP-LC3B (AAV9, 10^13vp/ml) | 250μl |
FUF058 | 超滤管(0.5ml, 100kDa MWCO, PES, Sartorius分装) | 5个/25个/100个 |
FUF158 | 超滤管(15ml, 100kDa MWCO, PES, Sartorius分装) | 2个/12个/48个 |
ST876 | BeyoPure™ Ultrapure Water (DNase/RNase-Free, Sterile) | 100ml/500ml |